Next I layered Melissa over the top of it. Melissa is described by Juelp as "sheer opalescent shimmer adds a soft glow when used alone and a high-fashion holographic effect when used over another color." Intriguing to say the least. I was going to show it alone but couldn't get the pics to come out very well.

Notice anything about this pic? Well, there are two different colors shown here, can you tell the difference? On my index and ring finger is Julep's Melissa, like I mentioned above, one coat. On my middle and pinkie finger is two coats of Pure Ice Mint Dream. Now, I do love Julep polish but... I can barely (if at all) tell a difference here! But, where I can notice a difference is in my bank account. Julep retails for $14 for 8mL, Pure Ice can be found at Wal-Mart, Walgreen's and other drug stores and typically retails for under $2 for 15mL. A bit easier to swallow for me anyway. :)

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